
How to remove a character (char) from a string in C/C++

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In this video, I will walk you through the example of removing a character ‘l’ from the word ‘Hello’ then we will write the code using Visual Studio 2015 in C/C++. I’m raising money to Support My Channel. Click to Donate Now:
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Tag: erase string c++, programming, Code, Coding, visual, studio, C++, C#, Python, Javascript, Visual, Basic, Games, Unity, 2D, Object, Oriented, design, software, reviews, technical, interviews, data, structures, Windows, development, SDK, API, SOLID, Patterns, Java, MFC, ATL, COM, Mobile, Web, Desktop, PhoneGap, Cordova, Corona, swift, Lua, MSDN, Microsoft, jQuery, UI, GUI, Tutorial, How, To, Program, how to, how to program, C/C++, remove, character, string, pointers

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  1. Hi, thank you for your help ! Can you tell me how to do when i want to remove a character only if it is preceded by a particular character ? Like i want to remove the 'L' only if it's preceded by 'e' . thanks


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