
DXRACER Tank Series vs King Series Gaming Chair Review And Why I Gave DXRACER A Second Chance

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In this video I am reviewing the DXRACER tank series chair and comparing it to the previous king series chair I had. Also going into why I gave DXRACER …

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  1. Bom dia! Me ajuda amigo, comprei essa cadeira. Ela é realmente confortável, mas estou com um problema. Após sentar, a sua cadeira desce sozinha (o pistão desce)? O pistão desce sozinho? Entrei em contato com a DxRacer, me enviaram um novo pistão e o problema persiste. Após sentar, acomodando a minha coluna, o pistão desce sozinho. Obrigado pela ajuda.

  2. Hello there ..Great video ..i would like to ask i have also king series and im 182 cm tall which is 6 ft and even on lowest possible option i cant fully touch ground if i want to sit fully background ..on your lowest Its like 18 Inches here Its 20.1 .. and i can really feel that difference..can you give me advice how to lower Seat little more ? Thank you

  3. I wonder if they've improved their PU leather at all since this chair was made. They have changed the look of the King series a little bit from what I can tell, as well as added 4D armrests.

  4. DXRacer is a garbage company selling garbage products.

    Literally a few days after my chair's warranty expired the gas cylinder failed (wouldn't hold the chair up AND leaked oil all over the floor). They told me they couldn't do anything for me. So, I bought a replacement cylinder directly from them and it failed TWO MONTHS later. I put in a ticket for replacement and they said they don't replace faulty parts. Brand new replacement parts provided by them carry no warranty. So, twice they had an opportunity to make it right AND make a customer for life and twice they told me they couldn't help me, give us more money.

    Avoid DXRacer. They don't stand behind their products and they don't care.

  5. So hey I watched this video and bought a tank series not in PU as you did, but I was wondering, it's been a year now, how is the chair? Specially, how is the seat?? Is the fabric ok? Is it full of little balls?

  6. Nice video! I am looking for a new chair and thinking about the Tank series (with mesh) or maybe a Noblechairs Hero, do you happen to have any experience with that one?

  7. Hello mate, extreme thanks for this video and the measurements. How deep is the Tank seat btw? Also at 5'8" don't you find the Tank a tad too big for you? (height wise). I thought that was made for massive 6ft blokes. I'm 5'7" myself and DXRacer are recommending the Work series. I was considering the King but looking at how yours is falling to bits so soon that's really put my off!
    My current executive style chair has lasted 7 yrs till it's started falling to bits, and it's got a really wide / deep seat. My GF has a DX Drifting series and it feels like it pins my legs together, far too small.
    I'm worried about the back / headrest being a bit too high for me. I do like a good amount of width / depth though.
    Will definitely look at getting the Mesh if I can. I think it might not be available in Europe though.

  8. Dang you got lucky. My DxRacer K-Series fell apart a year and a half after I got it. Lol. I’m going with SecretLabs. Honestly they’re way better and last longer.

  9. Hi i want to buy a dxracer chair tank series i want to know its good for buy or not ? Im 130 kg and 1.86cm height tank series is good for me?

  10. ello, guys, I saw the review dx gaming chair is one of the best gaming chair as well as the anda seat gaming chair. its very affordable in prize.Anda chair is one of my most favorite gaming of my gammer friend recommended it then I decided to buy I am now feeling so much satisfied that Anda seat is much better in quality than the other gaming chair.


  11. DXracing gaming chair is one of my most favorite gaming chairs. and always looking for a good gaming I prefer to have this gaming chair and the anda seat gaming chair. Assassin creed has been a mysterious game for all of us. You have to consume hours to enjoy the amazingness of this game, and those hours only pass if you sit on a comfortable chair. Getting my self away from all the discomforts, I purchased an andaseat gaming chair. Believe me its a worthy investment for me, as I can now easily enjoy the game without any intense back pain.

  12. can we get an update? Its almost been a year and thoughts after a year are probably gonna be more helpful. Especially since the shopping season is around the corner i'm sure a lot of people are gonna be looking for new chairs and doing research.

  13. I dont know what you did but my DXRacer King Series is almost five years old and it is still perfect. I LOVE ALL my DXRacer interactions I have had over the past five years. Based on the fact that they have gone out of thier way to cater to me, I question your opinion. Maybe I am the fluke but this does not stand up to what my experiance or what my interations have been. you need to provide more proof that you have been done wrong because with the proof that I have, I could make you out to be false based on Proven documentation.

  14. Thank you for showing this, very informative. Trying to decide on a big man chair and may do the Tank, but it's a bit pricey, not sure yet. Great video.

  15. 100$ for my Chair, 8-14 hours a day gaming, for 4+ years now still looks far far better than these " gaming " chairs lmao.

    But hey if people want to get ripped off who am I to judge? — Your money


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