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Google Forms Full Tutorial From Start To Finish – How To Use Google Forms

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In this video tutorial, I show you from start to finish how to use Google Forms. It is a great tool provided for free in the Google Apps suite. Learn how to create a …

Tag: google doc form, [vid_tags]

Xem thêm: https://blogthủthuậ

Nguồn: https://blogthủthuậ


  1. may i know how i can retrieve names of my students who took the exam i had prepared but what i retrieve scores only no name of students can i still retrieve the names if these students i could not record them

  2. Does the data entered in Google form remains saved. Because I entered a data in a Google form it didn't get saved. The link is not open now what to do if the link is open for next time. How to save the data within short period of time. Because the link is open for 30 minutes only

  3. Respected sir I have submitted three google forms on mobile these google forms are opened by given link unfortunately I have made some minior mistakes in these three forms at last the message came your response has been recorded after completing these three forms can I reopen these three forms and fill these forms again how can I do it please make video or send video link on this imp topic please reply ok

  4. Hi Dusty, This was a great tutorial but, I'm a little brain dead at times, and Ive followed everything until you got to the embed code. AM I allowed to put a sign up form on my profile on FB? Can you do a tutorial, step by step, on how I would put that form on my FB profile? Greatly appreciated!
    Michele Speno Doherty


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