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How to Change Messenger Icon (iOS 14)

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#Messenger #Instagram #Facebook
In this video, we will teach how to change your New Design Facebook Messenger app icon into the Classic Design.

This video tutorial is not just applicable for messenger app but also in other applications such as Instagram, Facebook and other social media apps.

Tag: facebook messenger icon, [vid_tags]

Xem thêm: https://blogthủthuật.vn/category/pc

Nguồn: https://blogthủthuật.vn


  1. Cool. But I don’t like that you click the shortcut and it takes you to shortcut app first for a split second and then redirect to the messenger app. Can it be set up to launch directly to the messenger app?

  2. I don't know why new updates (like multiple reactions and dark themes) aren't supporting in my main fb account bt it's working when I log into my Page's account/another account on msngr… can you please suggest me how can I fix it 🤧🤧


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